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Unraid is a Linux distribution that incorporates the ability to run virtual machines and docker containers while also providing a NAS environment. It is a paid product, but it is well worth the money.

I'm running Unraid for my persistent workloads, such as my Home Assistant setup, Pi-hole, Discord bots and other custom automations etc.

Because this server running 24/7, I've opted for a custom-built energy efficient server.


Using private registries

For personal applications, I use a private registry to store my docker images.

To use a private registry in Unraid, you need to authenticate with the registry. This can be done by running the docker login command on the Unraid server.

docker login

Here's a step-by-step video guide on how to do this.

Common commands

  • List devices and their vendors: lspci -nn
  • List USB devices: lsusb

What are your thoughts?